Tag: F1145

Update on RHI

I went to three seminars today at Ecobuild 2014 on RHI.  A lot of the information that was presented in these session has been seen before.  However, there were some new snippets:

  • The launch date for domestic RHI has still to be confirmed, however, it is expected to be Spring 2014.  A number of the speakers referred to the date being finalised in the “next few weeks”;
  • The domestic RHI payments will be “deemed” (i.e. estimated) rather reliant on using installed meters.  The estimation will be based on the calculations completed as part of the MCS installation;
  • There are a couple of situations were meters will be required.  This is where the property is either a second home or there is an additional form of heating (e.g. gas boiler).  The metered payments will only be able to adjust the payment upto the deemed value, i.e. the metering will only be used to adjust the deemed payment downwards;
  • Applications for RHI will be administered by Ofgem.  Applications will be made on online and it is expected that applications should take 20-30 minutes to make.  In many cases, the decision of the online application will be instanteous;
  • The applications will require details from your MCS certification as well as your green deal assessment.  Hopefully, this will speed up the application process as details will be pulled in from these documents;
  • The government reserved the right to reduce the tariff by up to 20% should the RHI be over subscribed.

You will find more information on the Renewable Energy Association website.

The ground source heat pump is still running!

After a rather “bumpy” start, I am glad to report that the ground source heat pump is still running!  It is providing all of the heating and hot water in the house since the 12th Feb.  This is much to our relief.

We still have some way to go in terms of getting all the room thermostats operational – the ones in the new extension have yet to be powered up.  We also have builders/decorators on site and it is difficult to keep the windows and doors closed all of the time.  So it is very likely that we will see some more improvements over the coming months.

Even so, the internal temperature seems to be doing well (even without the log burners going!).  However, it has yet to be fully tested in the real Yorkshire weather.  Today, it is a rather barmy 10C.

The ground source heat pump was repaired on the 12th Feb.   You can see quite clearly the impact that this has had on the internal temperature of the house.  The temperature gauge is in the downstairs bedroom were the temperature is set to 18C.  It was also on the internal window cill where the sun (yes, it does happen occasionally in Yorkshire!) gets to it!

The ground source heat pump was repaired on the 12th Feb. You can see quite clearly the impact that this has had on the internal temperature of the house. The temperature gauge is in the downstairs bedroom were the temperature is set to 18C. It was also on the internal window cill where the sun (yes, it does happen occasionally in Yorkshire!) gets to it!

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