The kitchen is due to be installed next week and we are just sorting out the lighting and the final bits of decorating.
We are using Collingwood MC020-S LED up/down lights. These are only 1W each (or rather 1W up and 1W down) and cast out an amazing about of light.

The light on the furthest left needs to be adjusted (look at the shape of the light on the ceiling), but these start to show off the texture of the reclaimed stone wall.

This is the view into the kitchen from the opening in the hallway. There will be a row of kitchen units along this wall once the kitchen is installed.

These are the lights that we are using on the kitchen wall as well as the parapet wall above the staircase. The line of lights in the kitchen matches the line of lights on the parapet wall. These are Collingwood MC020S LED up/down lights. You can hardly see them when they are switched off – they seem to blend into the stonework.