After the demise of our last weather station last week, we have installed a new one.  It is remarkable similar to our previous weather station, however, this does have a solar meter which measures daylight.  Our previous weatherstation was a Weathereye-WEA22.  The new one is a Aercus WS3083.

This one simply plugged into the same PC (via USB) as the old station and it worked.  I had to tell it that it now had a Solar meter, but that was about the only change.  The data is uploaded to the website every 15 minutes and you can access the page from here:

It looks very similar to the old one, except this one is well screwed onto the shed.  Although it is a different make, the outdoor attachments are identical (except this unit has a solar meter).  It simply plugged into the PC and started uploading data.  It took no more than 60 minutes to assemble and set up.

It looks very similar to the old one, except this one is well screwed onto the shed. Although it is a different make, the outdoor attachments are identical (except this unit has a solar meter). It simply plugged into the PC and started uploading data. It took no more than 60 minutes to assemble and set up.