The builders have had a cabin and storage unit on site for the past 6 months. Today, we reached another major milestone and the cabins were removed.
Initially, we thought we might have had a problem since we had built a porch since the units were delivered. However, the drivers managed to squeeze their lorries and the content through the gap!
When the builder’s cabin and storage unit were delivered, the porch had not been built. Now with the porch in place, it is a really tight squeeze!
The trucks arrived late in the afternoon and it was starting to get dark by the time the wagons were loaded. However, everything went without a hitch and neither the house or the outbuildings suffered any damage. Phew.
There is quite a bit of tidying up to do, but within the next couple of days this building site will be returned to being a field. The cabins had been in place for around 6 months.