With the last of the sheds gone from the orchard, we can now start to clear out the last patch of the orchard. This is the triangular piece of land furthest away from the house. It had become overgrown with holly as was as a very old (and largely rotten) alder tree. The chainsaw and a set of croppers soon had this area cleared out. The brambles that had grown throughout the dry stone wall were particularly time-consuming to remove.
The larger pieces of timber were cut into logs, the rest was put onto a bonfire on the site of the old shed.
It took most of the day to clear out this area, but now we can start to see the state of the dry stone. Despite it’s condition, you can see that the it was never really straight! We will rectify this as it gets rebuilt. With all of the undergrowth gone, it will be much easier to mark out the position of the new wall.