Next week, we will need to mow the grass in the bottom field. So it will be “Tractor Time!”
In preparation for this, I have strimmed the edges of the fields pulling out all of the large stones. The grass mower on the tractor seems to act as a magnet for all the stones. This seemed like a good time to have a look at the pile of rubbish next to one of the lower dry stone walls – large amounts of wood and old gutters, two ancient tractor tyres and some plastic crates. Once this had been removed and taken to the dump, it was time to have a look at the wall. It only took a couple of hours to tidy it up and hopefully this will stop any further deterioration.
Looking at the photos now, the right hand edge of the wall (the one nearest the gate post) seems to dip a bit. I will need to fix that tomorrow. Weather permitting.

The wall in the bottom field had quite a bit of rubbish piled up against it. The rubbish has now been removed and the wall has been repaired.