The exterior of the porch is now finished although it still has to be pointed.  The roof on the front elevation – over the kitchen and the porch – has also been finished.  This means that we are in a position to get the gutters installed.  In keeping with the rest of the house, the gutters are cast iron from the foundry down the road in Holmfirth.  We are using pattern 46 gutters  – 5×4 on the new extension (as the gutters are lower) and 6×4 on the older part of the property.  We have put 6×4 on the porch so that it matches the front elevation of the house.

Once the gutters are in position, they are given a final coat of black paint.  There is a sheet of plastic underneath the gutters to stop any black paint getting onto the ashlar underneath.

With the roof over the front of the kitchen and the porch now complete, we can put the gutters up.  The gutters on the porch match the gutters on the front of the house - 6x4 cast iron gutters (pattern 46).  The gutters come from JJ Longbottoms - the foundry in Holmfirth just a couple of miles away.

With the roof over the front of the kitchen and the porch now complete, we can put the gutters up. The gutters on the porch match the gutters on the front of the house – 6×4 cast iron gutters (pattern 46). The gutters come from JJ Longbottoms – the foundry in Holmfirth just a couple of miles away.