I am feeling pretty overwhelmed by the number of choices in technology for home automation. Just take a look at this page which provides a list of the main options – http://www.automatedhome.co.uk/home-automation-technology-choices
Given that I am a geek, I do wonder how members of the public manage. I think the answer is that they don’t. This might explain why this technology isn’t really mainstream yet. Even I have had moments where I have wondered if this home automation stuff should really be put in the “too hard” box for now.
There are a number of solutions around that seem to proprietary or “turn key” – why would anyone want to buy a system for flexibility and then have to go back to the installer every time that they want to make a change?
From what I can make out there seem to be two choices that might work for us:
- Loxone: (www.loxone.co.uk) This is central server based solution connecting to KNX based devices. (Thanks to the pointer from Chris Hampele)
- Fibaro Home Centre 2: (www.fibaro.co.uk) Similar to Loxone, but based on using Z wave devices.
Next step is to find some time to look into this further. I am under pressure to get the first fix wiring sorted. However, the wiring seems to be fairly standard and the kit can be fitted lated to the server.