Despite the really hot weather over the last few days, the rebuilding of the extension is going well.
The back of every stone has been cut (using a Stihl saw) to ensure that there is a cavity between the outside wall and the internal insulation. This is a labourious and dusty job.
The rafters have now been installed. A large oak beam arrives next week which will support the rafters across the mid-section. This was originally going to be a steel beam that was going to be boxed in and plastered, but given that we haven’t done this anyway else on the property, we have changed this to an oak beam so that it fits in with everything else.
We have also decided to increase the size and number of rooflights in the extension. We have already double the size of the window that looks out onto the bottom field. Originally, this was a coal hole and simply putting back the same size windows would not have supplied enough light – particularly, when you consider how light the rest of the property is.