Yesterday the two custom oak windows were installed. Both are in the kitchen/lounge – this is a tall thin one and a large square one. The smaller one arrived on site fully glazed. The larger one had to come unglazed as it would have weighed too much fully glazed. The oak frame itself is around 80kgs and the glass is around 150kgs. The glass is so heavy because of its size and thickness. There are two panes of glass each 8mm thick. This has too be toughened safety glass as the window runs from floor to ceiling.
The frame itself is a really chunky piece of oak. The glazing beads (the strips of wood that hold the glass in place) are massive when compared to normal beads. While the smaller window would go through the back door in the boot room, the large oak frame had to be carried across the bottom field, into the sunken garden and then through the opening for the bi-folding doors in the lounge.
It is difficult to get a good photo of both of these windows are the moment because of the scaffolding being in the way. However, this will be coming down next week just in time for the bi-folding doors to be fitted.

This is the smaller of the two oak frame windows. This one arrived on site fully glazed. The wide part of the frame sits on the outside of the building.

This is difficult to see at the moment because of all of the scaffolding, but the smaller of the two oak windows has been installed.