We have panelled the inside of the windows – in a very similar way to how they may have been done origninally, albeit in waterproof MDF. The window frames are the same colour inside and out. We thought that the best colour for the internal window reveals would be a very pale green. The walls will be an off white colour. The architraves around the doors and windows will be painted MDF, as will the architrave around the windows. Not sure of the colour yet. However, we are sure that the colour needs to be light – there seems to be a lot more little in the room once the reveals were painted white – even if it was just undercoat!
At first sight, painting the internal window reveals a pale green has produced some large areas of green. However, we are going to paint the wall around the window (once the plaster dries out) before making any final decisions. This will also give us an opportunity to get some “prototype” architrave and skirtings fitted and painted.