The shell of the kitchen is now more or less complete. We are ready to start plastering in here. It will probably be a week or so until we get into here since we still have some plastering to do in the old part of the building.
It is difficult to take photos in here and convey the sense of space. The photos below are from a number of different angles in an attempt to provide an overall impression.

This is looking from the kitchen towards the older part of the building. This wall used to be part of the old barn. The upper opening is the balcony from Jo’s upstairs office into the kitchen. There is a doorway (but no door) between the kitchen and the hall as well as an internal window (probably no glass) that looks along the line of the staircase and the upper landing. We have rendered this wall with sand and cement since parts of it were loose.

This is the view from the balcony looking down into the kitchen. The doorway in the distance is into the utility room.

You can see into the lounge (and the beginnings of the new fire place). As well as a doorway into the lounge, there is a large internal square window. The roof trusses are exposed throughout the kitchen and lounge.

This is the view from the top of the stairs. You can see the internal window into the ktichen (the edge of the opening is lined up with the edge of the kitchen units). You can also see the balcony in Jo’s office which overlooks the kitchen. There are a couple of props to camera left where we have made the new opening between the porch and hall.