Tag: grass seed

Green haze

The “green haze” has started to appear on the top field about a week after the grass seed was sown.  While it has been dry for the last few days, rain is forecast in the next 24 hours.  This is a bit of a shame for the Tour de France, but it is going to help the grass!

This is the view into the top field.  While you can see the old grass to the right and left, the new grass has started to appear about a week after being sown.  It seems to be growing daily!

This is the view into the top field. While you can see the old grass to the right and left, the new grass has started to appear about a week after being sown. It seems to be growing daily!

Re-seeding the top field

With all the building work now complete, we can turn our attention to re-seeding the top field.  We took up all the top soil and subsoil when installing the ground loops for the ground source heat pump.  Although we kept the top soil and subsoil in separate piles, the field is a bit of a mess.  It is about 1 acre in terms of area.

We asked the local farm if he could help us re-seed it and his advice was to harrow the land first to bring all the large stones to the surface.  Then to walk up and down removing all of the larger stones.  Well, the field was harrowed last week, so we spent quite a bit of time on Sunday removing the stones.  We are using the pickup as a wheel barrow – moving it forward as we pick up the stones.  By the end of Sunday, we have covered about half of the field and filled two pickups full of stone.  We are just piling up the stone at the edge of the field as this will be used when we re-build the dry stone walls.

We picked up the grass seed from the local agricultural supplier in Honley (Keith Drake).  A single sack of seed should apparently be sufficient for an area of this size.

But first the rest of the stones need to be removed.

By the time we had filled up the truck for the second time, we had got about half way through the job of removing the stones.  While Jo is back off down to London on Monday, it is one of my tasks for the week to get this finished off so we can get the seed down.

By the time we had filled up the truck for the second time, we had got about half way through the job of removing the stones. While Jo is back off down to London on Monday, it is one of my tasks for the week to get this finished off so we can get the seed down.

It was hot over the weekend and there isn't much shade in the top field.  Hats and suntan lotion required.

It was hot over the weekend and there isn’t much shade in the top field. Hats and suntan lotion required.

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