Well, we eventually got there yesterday and the top field has now been re-seeded. Just as well, since the weather has turned wet today. In fact, the wet weather was exactly what we did now that the seed is down.
We re-harrowed the field. This means raking it over with the tractor. Unfortunately, even more stones came to the surface, but these were quickly picked up and thrown to the side of the field. It also pulled up the weeds and wild grass that seemed to be taking hold. Next job was to used a seed drill on the back of a tractor to bury the seed just under the soil. This prevents the birds getting to it. We ran the seed drill across the field both horizontally and vertically to make sure that it was all covered. And just in case anyone is interested, we sowed the seed at 14Kgs per acre.
The last job of the day is then to roll the field flat with a heavy roller. Apparently, the more the ground is rolled, the faster the seed will germinate.
The end result looks fab and with any luck we should see some grass starting to germinate this time next week. Fingers crossed.

This is a seed drill used on the back of a tractor to place the grass seed under the surface of the soil. We made two runs across the field – one horizontally and one vertically. This makes sure we get the best spread.