One of the things that has surprised me is that a number of decisions need to be made so quickly. Here’s an example…..the kitchen.
The concrete slab has yet to be laid in the new extension. This includes the slab for the kitchen. You can see the current state of the build in the photo below.

The kitchen as it is today. The two brown pipes are for the island unit. The three brown pipes in the background are for waste and cold water for the sink and a pipe for the down draft extractor.
To be able to get the pipework in the right place in the concrete, we need to understand the layout in the kitchen. We have really had to move quickly over the next few weeks and have just placed the order for the kitchen. While the finishes may change, the layout is pretty set. We have used the layout to define where the pipework should go in the concrete slab.
There is a 75mm layout of insulation to go on top of the slab and then another 75mm of screed. The screed will contain the underfloor heating pipes. You can put the water feeds into the insulation layer, however, we have put the cold water supply (blue pipe in the photo) inside a brown plastic waste pipe. By putting the cold water supply into the concrete slab, we avoid the cold water from being warmed up by the underfloor heating.

I am sure that there will be a few more tweaks to come, but this gives an impression of what the kitchen should look like when finished.
The kitchen design has been done by KC Design in Clayton West – again, we are using another local firm. The kitchen is bespoke and will be produced here in Yorkshire. Now we have sorted out the layout, we can relax a little bit as it will be the back end of the year before we are ready to install it. Lots of decisions to be made between now and then.