It needs some coping stones, but the wall in the bottom field is done. We have been working on it for the past couple of weeks. We have been using the opportunity to use up some of the stone left over from the renovation and although we have used 4-5 dumpers worth of stone, there still seems to be a lot of stone still left.
We aren’t sure what we are going to with this area, but now that it has been tidied up, it is a lot more accessible. The loose stones need sorting out, but we can’t make up our minds about whether we should do this by hand or hire a machine. The ground is still too wet to get a machine in here.
You can see where we have used new stone from our pile, but give it 12-18 months and it will looks as if this wall will have been here for years. We are constantly amazed as we look back at other bits of wall that we have repaired about how quickly they seem to age (just like me).

Just needs a bit of clearing up and the ground needs a bit of levelling, but when we first bought the property this was completely overgrown.