We tried to install one of the large ashlar blocks in the new extension on Friday. Although we could get it fairly close by using the telehandler, we couldn’t then get it off the telehandler and into position. It was simply too heavy.
That was Friday. On Saturday, following some advice from the quarry, the builders used some lifting straps around the blocks and lifted them into position.
There are some even larger blocks of ashlar to be moved later in the build, but I suspect that the builders were relieved when these three stones went in undamaged.
There are three large pieces of ashlar that make up the base of the custom window in the extension. This one peice must weigh 300 – 400 kg. Getting it into position is not easy, particularly without damanging it. In the end we had to give up. We could get it so far on the telehandler, but then we couldn’t get it off and into position. It needs a re-think.
The ashlar blocks and the oak trusses are now in position in the new extension.
This took 2 attempts, but the builders finally worked out how to get these three large blocks of ashlar into positioin. There are steps butting up to this part of the building, hence, the use of blocks to the rifht. The six inch plastic pipe is for the air intake for the log burning stove in the lounge.