The pointing on the property is what is called “Weatherstruck”. This is where the pointing is very defined and stands proud of the joint. Apparently, the belief was that the protruding pointing would throw any rainwater clear of the wall. However, this style of pointing is not seen as acceptable as it looks unsightly and can damage the masonry. The pointing is made of a sand and cement mortar. This is also frounded upon these days as it doesn’t breath (allowing moisture out) and is too hard (harder than the actual stone that has been pointed).
All of the existing pointing needs to be chipped out before the masonry can be sandblasted. This is a very tendency job and we have had a couple of men on this job since last week. It should be finished in the next day or so. Much to their relief.
Once the masonry has been sandblasted, a test panel of 1 meter square will be completed using Nosterfield sand and hydraulic lime. This should breathe and will be much more sympathetic to the look of the property.