With the first fix electrics completely and the plastering well underway in the old cottages, it won’t be long before we are ready for the second fix. This means installing all of the switches, sockets and light fittings. Getting the computer configured that will run all of this will not be far behind.
On the basis that I haven’t done this before, I thought it might be wise to get the kit configured on my desk before installing it in the new house. It also means that I get to familiarise myself with it. Sadly, with the poor weather recently, I have been glad that I have some thing to do indoors. That said, it is going to take some time to get this stuff configured. In reality, we will only get it 80-90% configured now – the rest will be done as it gets installed.
I just hope that I can get my head around this and get it programmed. In the first instance, I will just be pleased if I can get it to turn the lights on and off. The fancy stuff can come later.
I am on a training course next week, so hopefully I will know a bit more by the end. Here’s hoping!